Hold Tight The Ropes

Album , CD
Tal-005 — 2002

    « Hold Tight The Ropes » est le second album du trio new-yorkais Elk City. On retrouve cette humeur un brin champêtre qui pouvait caractériser leur premier opus « Status ».

    C’est sous la forme d’un véritable échange que s’imbriquent les chants de Renee Lobue et de Peter Langland-Hassan, mais marque de leurs plus nombreuses prestations scéniques c’est la première fois que le jeu de guitare de Langland-Hassan est ainsi poussé sur le devant.

    • Grive
    • Tales of Uncertainty
    • Swell
    • 41 [30th anniversary reissue]
    • Maxwell Farrington & Le SuperHomard
    • Please, Wait...
    • The Apartments
    • apart
    • Feldup
    • Stared at from a Distance
    • Stéphane Milochevitch
    • La Bonne Aventure
    • Ralfe Band
    • Achilles Was a Hound Dog
    • Flotation Toy Warning
    • The Special Tape
    • Flotation Toy Warning
    • I Remember Trees
    • Nadine Khouri
    • Another Life
    • Maxwell Farrington & Le SuperHomard
    • I Had It All
    • Emily Jane White
    • Alluvion
    • L'Altra
    • In The Afternoon
    • Raoul Vignal
    • Years in Marble
    • Maxwell Farrington & Le SuperHomard
    • Once
    • The Apartments
    • A Life Full of Farewells
    • The Apartments
    • In and Out of the Light
    • FELDUP
    • A Thousand Doors, Just One Key
    • IDAHO
    • Levitate
    • Thousand
    • Au Paradis
    • Emily Jane White
    • Immanent Fire
    • Eko & Vinda Folio
    • Therapy
    • The Apartments
    • LIVE at L’Ubu
    • Eko & Vinda Folio
    • Shen Anateb
    • IDAHO
    • Hearts of Palm
    • Raoul Vignal
    • Oak Leaf
    • Rivulets
    • In Our Circle
    • Motorama
    • Many Nights
    • Utro
    • First Album
    • Laish
    • Time Elastic
    • Thousand
    • Le Tunnel Végétal
    • Utro
    • Third Album
    • R. Missing
    • Unsummering
    • Will Samson
    • Welcome Oxygen
    • Flotation Toy Warning
    • The Machine That Made Us
    • The Silver Veil
    • Compilation
    • Talitres Is 15
    • Laish
    • Pendulum Swing
    • Motorama
    • Dialogues
    • Motorama
    • Holy Day
    • Emily Jane White
    • They Moved in Shadow all Together
    • Utro - (Утро)
    • Razvaliny (Развалины)
    • Luxe
    • Utro - (Утро)
    • Solnze (Солнце)
    • Will Samson
    • Ground Luminosity
    • Thousand
    • s/t
    • Motorama
    • Poverty
    • Micah P. Hinson
    • Micah P. Hinson and the Gospel Of Progress
    • The Callstore
    • Save No One
    • Rachael Dadd
    • We Resonate
    • Will Stratton
    • Gray Lodge Wisdom
    • Motorama
    • She Is There
    • Micah P. Hinson
    • Micah P. Hinson and the Nothing
    • Motorama
    • Eyes
    • Emily Jane White
    • Blood / Lines
    • Motorama
    • Alps
    • The Apartments
    • Seven Songs
    • Garciaphone
    • Constancia
    • Stranded Horse
    • Transmission / A Faint Light
    • Tropical Popsicle
    • Dawn Of Delight
    • Motorama
    • Calendar
    • Rozi Plain
    • Joined Sometimes Unjoined
    • Will Stratton
    • Post Empire
    • Ewert And The Two Dragons
    • Good Man Down
    • Maison Neuve
    • Joan
    • Idaho
    • You Were A Dick
    • Flotation toy warning
    • When The Boat Comes Inside Your House
    • Stranded Horse
    • Humbling Tides
    • Rubik
    • Solar
    • That Summer
    • Near Miss
    • The Apartments
    • Drift
    • I Like Trains
    • He Who Saw The Deep
    • Emily Jane White
    • Ode To Sentience
    • Rubik
    • Dada Bandits
    • Verone
    • La Fiancée Du Crocodile
    • Le Loup
    • Family
    • Scary Mansion
    • Make Me Cry
    • Emily Jane White
    • Victorian America
    • Frànçois And The Atlas Mountains
    • Plaine Inondable
    • Be My Weapon
    • March/2009
    • Forest Fire
    • Survival
    • Scary Mansion
    • Every Joke Is Half The Truth
    • Thee, Stranded Horse & Ballaké Sissoko
    • Thee Stranded Horse And Ballaké Sissoko
    • The Organ
    • Thieves
    • Swell
    • The Lost Album
    • Ralfe Band
    • Attic Thieves
    • The Walkmen
    • You & Me
    • Swell
    • South Of The Rain And Snow
    • Emily Jane White
    • Dark Undercoat
    • The Sleeping Years
    • We’re Becoming Islands One By One
    • Idaho
    • The Forbidden EP -Alas
    • Le Loup
    • The Throne Of The Third Heaven Of The Nations’ Millennium General Assembly
    • The Wedding Present
    • Live 1987
    • Taxi Taxi !
    • Taxi Taxi !
    • Stars Like Fleas
    • The Ken Burns Effect
    • Kim Novak
    • Luck & Accident
    • Thee, Stranded Horse
    • Churning Strides
    • Ralfe Band
    • Swords
    • Redjetson
    • New General Catalogue
    • The Walkmen
    • A Hundred Miles Off
    • Tunng
    • Comments Of The Inner Chorus
    • I Like Trains
    • Progress • Reform
    • The Wedding Present
    • Search For Paradise
    • Double compilation
    • Talitres Is 5
    • Idaho
    • The Lone Gunman
    • The Organ
    • Grab That Gun
    • Piano Magic
    • Disaffected
    • The Wedding Present
    • Take Fountain
    • Early Day Miners
    • All Harm Ends Here
    • That Summer
    • Clear
    • Flotation Toy Warning
    • Bluffer’s Guide To The Flight Deck
    • Clogs
    • Lantern
    • Destroyer
    • Your Blues
    • The National
    • Cherry Tree
    • Tex La Homa
    • If Just Today Were To Be My Entire Life
    • The National
    • Sad Songs For Dirty Lovers
    • Temper
    • New Place, New Face
    • Destroyer
    • This Night
    • Calla
    • Televise
    • Dakota Suite
    • This River Only Brings Poison
    • The Walkmen
    • Everyone Who Pretended To Like Me Is Gone
    • Elk City
    • Hold Tight The Ropes
    • Destroyer
    • Streethawk : A Seduction
    • Brando
    • The Headless Horseman Is A Preacher
    • The Birdwatcher
    • The Darkest Hour Is Just Before Dawn
    • Elk City
    • Status