News /

18 March 2020

Support Independents

In this period of necessary confinement, it is a safe bet that the companies that will once again hold their own are the multinationals.

When you run an independent business, you quickly realize that multinationals and SMEs/micro-enterprises have two radically different visions. We do not wish to paint a Manichean view of the world, but still: while they report to shareholders, we are accountable to those with whom we work, our employees, our collaborators, and so on. And while they are obsessed with driving profits, we have the fierce desire to support projects and a strong commitment to finance them. Out there, they’re obsessed with market shares and returns on investment; for our part, there is a willingness of constant development and persistence, because the primary idea is that our demanding, human, different, ethical, environmental projects must shine on as many people as possible. It is our ambition to achieve such goals, and while it may seem a bit conceited, in the end we do this to the best of our ability, with a selfless dedication.

The digital offering is not solely based on the demonic shoulders of commercial and financial trusts. From the land (which we work and love) to the digital keyboard, many independent companies have set up services for everyone, and close to everything: farmers, restaurateurs, booksellers, independent movie theaters, record stores, independent halls and labels, schools, health professions, and so on.

Let us wager that some will adopt new consumption habits: local production, reasonable choices rather than force-feeding at all costs, human-scale businesses and many other alternatives. Sharpen your curiosity, it will reward you a hundredfold.

Take care !