News /

12 January 2021

Failing to accompany the musicians on the road, Talitres’ albums offered themselves a trip to the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design in Bordeaux

After the morning frosts, we offered our records a little Bordeaux escapade.

For some time now, we felt that they needed to get a breath of fresh air. For lack of being on stage, our artists tread the basketball court of the Musée des arts décoratifs et du design de Bordeaux. Thanks to them for their sweet and spontaneous welcome. It was a beautiful game, full of mischief and hope.

We don’t know yet if our records are living things, but we already know that they are singing, evolutionary and moving entities.

To be continued...

The Callstore - Flotation Toy Warning - Rivulets - Will Stratton - Motorama - Stranded Horse - Will Samson - Raoul Vignal - Laish - Eko & Vinda Folio - Feldup - The Apartments - Thousand - Emily Jane White - Garciaphone - Le Loup - Micah P. Hinson - Idaho